Heart of Oneness
March 7 – March 9
Join Joanna along with 200 other exhibitors during this 3 day event that takes place the weekend of March 7-9.
She will be at Booth # 501 where Healings and information will be provided.

Join over 200 of the Northeastโs finest Holistic Practitioners and Wellness Entrepreneurs
as they collectively come together in Conscious Collaboration in support of Unity, Oneness & Enlightenment.
The Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo is a collective event dedicated to Wellness, Spiritual Growth & the
Conscious Evolution of Humanity.
200+ healers, readers, crystals, unique shopping, psychics, aura photography and free workshops!
Hours are:
- Friday, 5pm-9pm
- Saturday 10am-7pm
- Sunday 10am-5pm
Heart of Oneness website: https://www.heartofonenessholisticexpo.com/