Awakening the Christ Consciousness Workshop – zoom

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

Awakening the Christ Consciousness Workshop – zoom

May 21, 2020
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

This event is via zoom.  Contact me for payment options.  Once payment is received, a link will be sent for you to participate.

Awakening the Christ Consciousness Workshop

When searching for the roots of our existence, we ask ourselves: where did I really come from, is there more to learn about me, why am I here at this time, and what am I meant to do.  Presently, Earth is undergoing great changes moving her along a path of ascension.  This involves a shift in consciousness, reaching higher dimensional energies and most important, the birthing of the Christ Consciousness (I Am Presence).  Waves have been coming to the Earth.  Within them are announcements of changes taking place, energetic shifts, activations that help stir a mass awakening, and the Christ light which is the love that we all hold.  We are being reminded of our divinity, the history of our existence and how we can assist in the transformation of Earth.

Join me as we cover a number of topics that include:

  • what we can do individually and collectively to bring more loving light to the planet
  • how change within us affect others and;
  • how to prepare for these changes

To all those willing, attunements will be given that enable you to more feel the Christ energy that you already hold and the remembrance of the divine light within.  It is time now to follow the gentle urging of our hearts that brings us closer to connecting with divine love.

Joanna Spano is a Spiritual Teacher and Healer and Founder of the Divine Touch Healing Process.  For the past eight years she who facilitated spiritual circles, group healings, classes on achieving higher consciousness and trainings on Divine Touch Healing.  She feels what was truly an awakening for her is when she underwent an intensive 5-day training in Sedona, Arizona in 2016 on awakening the Christ Consciousness.




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