Divine Touch Healing II Certification Training

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

Divine Touch Healing II Certification Training

June 3, 2023
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
The Village A Metaphysical Community
58 Priscilla Lane, Auburn, NH

Jun 3  &  Jun, 4, 2023

10:00AM – 2:30PM  (same times for both Sat. & Sun.)


This is a more advanced level for those who have already completed level I.  We will review and go more in depth into certain areas covered previously.  New topics related to healing and spiritual counseling will be discussed as well.

What the training will include:

  • Learning additional healing tools
  • Identifying fears and blocks toward healing
  • Strengthening connection with divine light and healing energy
  • Continuing work on opening our intuitive senses and healing talents
  • Working with children and adolescents
  • Group healing and practice groups (attunements as needed)

I will also work with you personally, as needed, to reach your goals of assisting yourself and others through the healing process.

About the Instructor

Joanna, Founder of the Divine Touch Healing Method, through her own personal journey of healing and awakening, is eager to share her experiences and training to help others unfold, within them, their own natural gifts of healing.

Her Training/Experience:  Advanced DNA Theta Healer, Certification in the Pathway Process into the Heart of the Akashic Records, Third Level Arcturian Light Healer, Reiki II, Shamanic Practices, completed “Awakening the Christ Consciousness” intensive training – Sedona,

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