A Mastery Course in Healing with Love – Day 3 of 3

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

A Mastery Course in Healing with Love – Day 3 of 3

October 6, 2024
10:00 am - 2:30 pm
The Village A Metaphysical Community
58 Priscilla Lane, Auburn, NH

A Mastery Course in Healing With Love

October 4, 5 &. 6, 2024

10:00 AM – 2:30 PM


     This 3 day course is for those who have reached certain levels of their healing skills but feel a calling, a nudge from within to advance their talents into higher levels.  There is a great awakening taking place across the planet.  More and more are joining the ranks of those healers paving the way into a new consciousness of alternative ways of healing and of love.

     You have an amazing opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.  As you expand your knowledge and healing abilities, you will broaden the range of those you can help.

Some of what will be covered:

  • the role love plays in healing
  • working with various stages of illnesses
  • assisting those with trauma, in crisis situations, grieving losses, etc.
  • communicating with those who are unable to communicate such as those in comas, babies, physical impairments of the mouth and throat area
  • the process of gently releasing ancient unhealed emotions
  • identifying and healing old patterns

Group healing throughout the 3 days will take place as well to help with expansion and activation.

 About the Instructor

Joanna, Founder of the Divine Touch Healing Method, through her own personal journey of healing and awakening, is eager to share her experiences and training to help others unfold, within them, their own natural gifts of healing.

Her Training/Experience:  Advanced DNA Theta Healer, Certification in the Pathway Process into the Heart of the Akashic Records, Third Level Arcturian Light Healer, Reiki II, Shamanic Practices, “Awakening the Christ Consciousness” intensive training – Sedona, AZ

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