All Fears Can Be Healed!

All fears can be healed! In order to heal our fears, we take a good look at what they are about. Denial may temporarily ease and soothe us but, at some point, they can rise up again and again. Entering our…
All fears can be healed! In order to heal our fears, we take a good look at what they are about. Denial may temporarily ease and soothe us but, at some point, they can rise up again and again. Entering our…
Upcoming Events March 10(Zoom Event) – “Becoming a Spiritual Counselor and Healer” March 20“Teachings and Healings for the New Consciousness”This is held in person at The Village – A Metaphysical Community, Auburn, NH April 10 & 11Divine Touch Healing I…
I AM that I AM and always will be for I know I AM eternal. I AM prepared for what lies ahead as I walk in the light of God knowing how loved I AM. Through love, I AM whole, through love…
I’m often questioned about “soul contracts” made in other lifetimes. In previous incarnations, individuals come together in relationships (i.e. family, love partner, friendship, etc.) and decide they want to be together or commit to each other in future lifetimes. The reasons typically…
Our Natural State is Love. We are born of light and love. When we move out of this state then we move away from who we truly are. The further we move from love and the longer, we begin to…
Restrictions felt within our respiratory system (sinuses, throat, and lungs) typically represent emotions related to freedom, expansion and the growth of our spirits. Our natural state is continual expansion of our light. Any type of suppression or interference can cause…
Love needs entry points… Lack of acceptance of any part of ourselves originates every imbalance of the body. When these imbalances become more than the body can handle, physical problems arise. These imbalances create stagnate energy where pathogens can multiply…
All that you hold within your consciousness reflects in your life. Your relationships, friendships, jobs, organizations/clubs you belong to, what you read for books, magazines, movies you are drawn to, hobbies, etc. all provide us with clues on what is held…
At 9:30 this morning (June 28, 2020) a message of love and ascension spread across the earth. Mother Father God, and their hearts came together in a brilliant star-like light that appeared high above. “Love will increasingly become the prevailing…
Thursday, May 21, 2020 6:00PM – 8:00PM $35.00 When searching for the roots of our existence, we ask ourselves: where did I really come from, is there more to learn about me, why am I here at this time, and…