A Night of Remote Divine Touch Healing on ZOOM

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

A Night of Remote Divine Touch Healing on ZOOM

August 17, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Thursday, August 17, 2023

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

$20 (zoom link is provided upon payment)

***   Participation is limited to 20.   ***

     It is through the power of love that great healing takes place.  Our hearts soar, our wounds fade, the world seems brighter, and a sense of peace prevails.  This is an opportunity to gain insights into the areas of your life that you feel are weighing you down and interfering with your happiness.  Through a gentle and loving process, we will release ancient emotions held within the body to bring greater physical and emotional relief.

     This will be achieved through other methods such as identifying patterns in lifetimes (on and off of earth) that give us clues about the origins of wounds.  Other methods include exploring your angelic (and other) roots, projections (readings) of upcoming months, identifying discomfort in various areas of the body and what they mean, looking into the reasons why we are on earth at this time, and providing tools to help with healing.

     As we heal our hearts, we gain a sense of meaning in our lives.  We feel more uplifted as the heaviness eases, and we are filled with a new hope that it is possible to be free from suffering.

Contact me to set up payment.  Much love!

Joanna Spano

Spiritual Teacher and Healer

Founder, Divine Touch Healing

Through love, miracles can take place!



Facebook:  New Earth Healings

About the Facilitator

I am passionate about helping others remember their divinity and magnificence.  My focus is on finding greater peace by providing clarity in direction, easing emotional challenges and fears and through channeling Divine light. I also connect with each person’s heart and higher selves, and angelic selves to assist in the process of healing.

Background:  Founder of Divine Touch Healing, Facilitator of monthly teaching and healing circles at The Village – A Metaphysical Center, Certification in: Advanced DNA Theta Healing, Pathway Process into the Heart of the Akashic Records, Third Level Arcturian Light Healer, Shamanic Reiki II, “Awakening the Christ Consciousness Intensive” – Sedona, AZ

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