Animal Healing Training

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

Animal Healing Training

September 11, 2022
11:00 am - 1:30 pm
The Farm at Sakari's Place
177 Bedford Rd. New Boston, NH

$95 (a percentage will be donated to Sakari’s place)


11:00 – 1:30    September 11, 2022

The Farm at Sakari’s Place

New Boston, NH

     All animals and other creatures on Earth are very precious.  They hold a special place in our hearts.  When they feel low or ill in any way, it means it is their hearts that need healing particularly through the power of love.  As loving energy flows through and gentle emotional releases take place, it can bring the healing to higher levels. A sense of peace, nurturance, and calm replace fears and most important of all, they feel loved.

     The Farm at Sakari’s Place provides shelter to wolf dogs who come from painful backgrounds and in need of a safe and healing environment. They also have goats with quite the colorful personalities.  J  You will have opportunities to work with both groups of animals.

Our activities and training include:

  • Opening and heightening intuitive senses by:
    • Tuning into and healing the land
    • Providing attunements as needed
  • Sensing the emotions and physical needs of the animals
  • Connecting with and using divine loving light

     During the animal healing training this past May, we even spent a little time tuning into the spirits in and around a hundred-year-old chicken coop on the land.  There certainly were surprises for all of us!

For any questions, you can contact me at 207-776-0335 (text or call)     (

About the Instructor

Joanna Spano, Founder of the Divine Touch Healing Method has, for many years, been guiding, mentoring, and training others to bring forward their own innate gifts of healing. Since 2018, she has been facilitating monthly healing and teaching circles at The Village Metaphysical Community in Auburn, NH. Prior to that she held Circles of Light at Leapin Lizards of Portland, Maine for a number of years.

Her Training/Experience:  Advanced DNA Theta Healer, Certification in the Pathway Process into the Heart of the Akashic Records, Third Level Arcturian Light Healer, Reiki II, Shamanic Practices, completed “Awakening the Christ Consciousness” intensive training – Sedona, AZ

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