Awakening Our Divinity (Zoom Event)

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

Awakening Our Divinity (Zoom Event)

February 10, 2021
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Contact Joanna 207-776-0335 (text or call) or for a zoom link to participate (and for payment options).

“There’s a peace that comes with knowing who we are.”

Within us is the history of our existence from the very beginning. It includes all of our lifetimes, experiences, and our journeys on and off earth. All that we are and all we can do has yet to be revealed for most but how do we access this information? How do we bring forth our innate abilities of sight, healing, inner knowing, lifetimes, etc.? By releasing ancient emotional blocks and energetic layers, and fears, more of our higher consciousness comes forward. We develop a sense of who we truly are and our place in the universe.

Join us as we discuss ways of accessing the deepest levels of our inner knowing to reveal our history. We will also discuss the signs of spiritual awakening, activation and the ascension process and how this affects our chakras, our physical bodies and our abilities. Additional topics include: ways of creating a more loving shift in our lives, the healing process and releasing blocks to opening up to our divinity.

Group healing will take place during our time together.

Joanna Spano
Spiritual Teacher and Healer

Founder, Divine Touch Healing

Background Experiences and Training: Facilitator of Spiritual Circles for Eight Years, Advance DNA Theta Healing, Third level Arcturian Healing, Reiki II, Certified in the Pathway Process of the Akashic Records. “Awakening the Christ Consciousness” Intensive Training, Sedona, Arizona


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