Christ Consciousness Meetup

Awakening the Love Within

Christ Consciousness Meetup

April 30, 2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Brunswick, ME

What is the Christ Consciousness? 

We are the living expression as children of Spirit and as such all hold this birthright. As a divine plan unfolds on earth, we each have a role to play which is to remember who we truly are and what we are meant to do.

How do we achieve/awaken this state of consciousness?

This takes place through a process of finding and removing the barriers to love for which we are all responsible. There are many ways of achieving this which we discuss.

What is our role in all of this?

The Christ Consciousness is our universal destiny. There is no greater calling than service to others. The more we evolve, the more we are better able to become the wayshowers of divine love on earth.

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