ZOOM EVENT – How Our Bodies Alert Us About What Needs Healing

Awakening the Christ Consciousness

ZOOM EVENT – How Our Bodies Alert Us About What Needs Healing

July 14, 2021
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

The clues and messages from our bodies are always there however subtle they may be.  It could be a slight ache in the joints, a light headache, stiffness in movement all the way to extreme situations such as loss of mobility, difficulty breathing, chronic pain, heart disease, etc.   These all can be very disruptive in our lives and can feel very limiting.

Many adapt to pain and discomfort. They call it “normal” and say things such as it’s part of aging, it happens to others so it can happen to me, it’s hereditary, or, it helps them relate to the suffering of others.

No pain or discomfort is “normal” and “to be expected”.  It’s not who we are in our natural state which is loving light.  Our bodies hold the history of our lifetimes.  This includes previous injuries and physical ailments.  As we go into the roots and with loving intent release the emotions connected to them, a “release” takes place, more loving light enters the afflicted areas, pain eases (and often ceases) and a sense of relief follows.  Hope returns!

The following is what I have found to be most common but does not represent the broad scope of what else can be contained in these parts of the body where pain or discomfort is felt.  For example:

Shoulders – carrying too much weight (emotionally)

Stomach – holding onto emotions

Heart – blocks to giving and/or receiving love

Legs – moving forward in life

Hips – lack of flexibility or movement

Back – lack of support

Feet – fear of moving forward, stuck

Headaches – blocks to receiving light, stuck inside a box

Neck – not wanting to take a look at what’s around you, feeling failure

Throat – not feeling you have a voice or say, unheard

Lungs – fear of expansion, feeling trapped


Join in for helpful insights into your healing needs.  We will also discuss other areas of the body and their messages.



Joanna Spano

Spiritual Teacher, Counselor & Healer

Founder, Divine Touch Healing


Background Experiences and Training:  Galactic Readings, Advance DNA Theta Healing, Third level Arcturian Healing, Reiki II, Certified in the Pathway Process of the Akashic Records, Shamanic Practices, “Awakening the Christ Consciousness” Intensive Training, Sedona, Arizona

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